The Player - Audiobook

The Player - Audiobook
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

"The Gambler", a summary of the chapters of Dostoevsky's novel

Chapter I

The main character, Aleksey Ivanovich, returns to the German resort town of Roulettenburg after a two-week absence. He is a teacher in the family of Moscow General Zagoryansky. His sister Marya Filippovna, stepdaughter Polina Aleksandrovna and two children, Misha and Nadya, live with the military man.

Alexey brought it from Parismoney that the general desperately needed. At the same time, he carried out a secret assignment from Polina - he pawned her diamonds. At dinner, the hero unexpectedly meets his English friend Astley and meets the Marquis de Grieux.

The general's family is waiting for news from Russia about the death of their aunt. Zagoryansky and his stepdaughter are hoping for a rich inheritance. Polina is very unhappy that Alexey brought her little money. The girl demands that he win a large sum.

Chapter II

Alexey has never played roulette before. So he starts with small bets, wanting to first understand the intricacies of this process. He manages to win a small amount, which he gives to Polina. The girl gives him half back and demands that the young man continue playing.

Polina knows about Alexey's feelings, but bosses him around. The young teacher loves the girl, is ready to do anything on her orders, but sometimes hates her for her disdainful attitude towards him. People from the general's circle also treat Alexey arrogantly, in particular, the Marquis de Grieux and the French beauty Mademoiselle Blanche. Only the aristocrat Astley, who is also in love with Polina, considers Alexey his friend.

Chapter III

It turns out that the general has known the marquis for a long time. Back in Russia, he borrowed thirty thousand from De Grieux to cover the shortfall in his department. Everyone thinks that the marquis is very rich. Rumor has it that his cousin Blanche has a considerable fortune. General Zagoryansky is crazy about this flirtatious and cunning Frenchwoman.

But the rich man Astley doubts the family relationship between Blanche and De Grieux. He hints to Alexei that this couple may be engaged in fraud. The Marquis and Blanche are waiting for Zagoryansky to receive his inheritance. De Grieux hopes to get his money back, and Mademoiselle hopes to marry the general.

Chapter IV

Alexey plays again at Polina's insistence. He carefully watches how others do it and comes to the conclusion that there is no system. Those who write down and calculate their winnings lose just as much as those who bet at random.

Alexey is lucky, he wins again. But he can no longer stop and go home. In the end, he bets everything and loses. This time, Blanche saw him in the casino, which the Frenchwoman announces at dinner. The general is very upset. He warned the teacher not to give in to his pernicious passion. Alexey does not admit that he lost his beloved girl's money.

Chapter V

Polina explains her actions simply - she borrowed a large sum of money secretly from the general, and now she wants to pay it off. But Alexey Ivanovich does not agree to risk her money. He believes that he should put his own on the line. The teacher is sure that this way he will definitely win and help his beloved.

The girl laughs at the teacher and asks if Alexey wants to buy her in this way. The young man assures that he loves Polina madly, is ready to do anything for her, even kill a person. Then Polina demands that the teacher approach the elderly Baroness Wurmergelm and greet her boldly.

Chapter VI

Alexei fulfills the whim of a girl who decided to have some fun. He assures the baroness that he will become her obedient slave. A terrible scandal erupts. The general calls the teacher and scolds him severely for his impudent behavior. He was forced to calm the anger of the baron, the husband of the insulted lady. To hush up the scandal, Zagoryansky must fire the teacher.

The young man becomes indignant. He demands an explanation: by what right did Zagoryansky take upon himself the obligation to answer for other people's actions. Alexey himself will apologize. The teacher wants to "come out of this unpleasant situation like a hero", to prove to Polina and everyone else that they neglected him in vain.

Chapter VII

On the general's orders, De Grieux comes to Alexei. He asks the teacher to abandon his intentions to settle the conflict on his own. The Marquis is afraid that the German will not accept the teacher's apology and the scandal will flare up with renewed vigor. Alexei assures that he will settle everything with Astley's help. He hints at the Englishman's excellent reputation and persistence, as well as his influential friends. De Grieux's persuasion does not help; the young man stands his ground.

Then the Marquis hands over a note from Polina, in which the girl orders Alexei to stop. The teacher is surprised that his beloved pushed him to such a stupid prank, and now she won't let him settle everything.

Chapter VIII

Alexey meets Astley and tells him about the scandal with the baron. He cannot understand why such a fuss was raised over such a trifle. Astley explains that Blanche does not want trouble with the baron. Three years ago, she also vacationed in Roulettenburg. De Grieux was not there then, but she was accompanied by an Italian prince. Having lost everything, he left, and his place was taken by a Polish count. When he was left without money, Blanche began to look for a new patron. Her choice fell on the baron. However, the baroness made a preemptive move: she demanded that the police authorities expel the adventuress from the city. The request was granted.

Alexey wonders why Astley doesn't warn the general and Polina. The Englishman replies that they know everything. But Zagoryansky is so in love with Blanche that any persuasion is useless.

Astley and Alexey return to the hotel, where there is some excitement in front of the entrance.

Chapter IX

The bustle was caused by the unexpected arrival of the aunt, news of whose death everyone was expecting. The old lady made an extraordinary impression on the hotel staff and the general's entourage.

Antonida Vasilyevna Tarasevicheva, whom everyone affectionately calls Granny, was indeed ill. She knew that everyone was waiting for her death. Therefore, as soon as the old woman felt better, she dropped in on Roulettenburg without warning and fully enjoyed the effect of surprise. Antonida Vasilyevna, a strict, imperious and eccentric woman, occupied the best apartments and demanded that Alexei Ivanovich accompany her everywhere.

Chapter X

Without even having rested from the road, the grandmother asked to go to the casino. She is keenly interested in everything around her, gives orders and asks completely tactless questions. Knowing almost nothing about roulette, Antonida Vasilievna receives the first instruction from Alexey and immediately begins to play. Having learned that the bet on zero increases by 35 times, the old woman stubbornly places her bet on this position. Neither the loss nor Alexey Ivanovich's persuasion help.

And fortune soon smiled on Antonida Vasilievna. She was lucky to win several times in a row and get quite a decent amount. The extremely satisfied old lady returns to the hotel.

Chapter XI

Grandmother generously tips the servants, promising to give "for a dress" not only to her maids, but also to Polina and Blanche. She advises Alexei to play and be sure to bet on zero. For this purpose, she lends the teacher 50 gold.

In the evening, the grandmother is going to the casino again. The General, Blanche and De Grieux are in a panic. They are afraid that the gambling old woman will lose all her fortune and persuade Alexei to influence Antonida Vasilievna.

Polina instructs the teacher to find Astley and give him a letter. The young man carries out the order, but is jealous and perplexed as to what kind of correspondence there could be between Polina and the Englishman.

Chapter XII

At the casino, Antonida Vasilievna plays desperately and loses everything. Then she decides to exchange bank notes to continue playing. On the way to the bank, she meets the general and the whole company. De Grieux, Blanche and Zagoryansky try to distract the grandmother from her dangerous addiction, persuade her to go sightseeing. But the old woman is adamant. Having exchanged a large sum, she demands to be taken to the casino, where she loses everything again.

Angry, the grandmother wants to return to Moscow, but there is no money for the trip. Antonida Vasilievna again sends Alexei to change bank notes. But, having received the money, she abruptly changes her mind and wants to win back. The teacher refuses to accompany the old woman, but she goes to the casino herself. And again she loses everything.

Chapter XIII

The next day the old woman visits the casino again, where she spends 90 thousand rubles – a fortune at that time. This was the entire amount she brought from Russia. In the evening Antonida Vasilyevna sends for Astley to borrow money from him for the journey. The noble Englishman cannot refuse the old woman.

The general is in despair. Mademoiselle Blanche, seeing that Zagoryansky has no prospect of inheriting, does not even want to talk to him. Having failed to find another financial patron, she is going to return to Paris. The general begs Alexei to influence the Frenchwoman, but the teacher understands the futility of this undertaking. De Grieux has already left, the general has mortgaged all his property, and now the teacher does not even have money to pay for the hotel.

Alexey sees his grandmother off to the station, and when he returns, he finds Polina in his room.

Chapter XIV

The girl brought a letter from De Grieux, from which it follows that he is tired of waiting for the inheritance and is going to Russia to sell the general's property, which was transferred by mortgage. The Marquis writes that Zagoryansky also squandered Polina's inheritance - 50 thousand rubles. He returned the mortgage for this amount to the general and advises the girl to sue her stepfather for the money.

Polina indignantly calls De Grieux a "scoundrel" and threatens to throw the 50 thousand in his face. Alexey suddenly has an epiphany. He asks the girl to wait and runs to the casino, where he wins 200 thousand. Alexey is very excited. He adds up and recounts the money, completely forgetting about Polina. Finally, the teacher comes to his senses.

Chapter XV

Alexey gives Polina 50 thousand and offers to take the money to De Grieux. But the girl suddenly declares that she will not take anything. "I don't take money for free," she explains. The young man assures that he is ready to give his beloved everything, not only the money, but alsolife . But Polina laughs and offers to buy it for this money, as De Grieux did. After long tears, stormy explanations and confessions, Polina stays with Alexey.

In the morning, she demands the money she earned. The confused young man gives it to her, assuring her that he loves the girl. In response, Polina throws 50 thousand in his face and runs away. Alexey quickly hides the money, and then rushes after her, but can't find the girl anywhere. Finally, he finds her at Astley's.

The Englishman says that Polina is ill and won't let him see her. The teacher returns to the hotel, where he meets Mademoiselle Blanche. She suggests that Alexei go to Paris, and he agrees.

Chapter XVI

Alexei is not attracted to Blanche, but perceives everything as a light affair. He does not value money, and hardly misses Polina, who preferred Astley. The young man gave Blanche half of his money, and they squandered the other half in three weeks. Later, General Zagoryansky found them in Paris. After Blanche left, he had a slight stroke, but the general recovered. Astley paid his hotel bills and took Polina and the children with him.

Blanche decides to marry the general. She wants to be a general's wife and a "Moscow lady". The message comes again that Antonida Vasilievna is dying.

After Blanche and Zagoryansky's wedding, Alexei leaves for Germany to play again.

Chapter XVII

A year and a half passes. Alexey still plays. During this time, he managed to sit in a debtor's hole, work as a secretary and a lackey. One day, during a walk, he meets Astley, who tells him what happened during this time.

Polina and her children lived with his relatives in England, and have now moved to Switzerland. She is healthy and has received part of Antonida Vasilyevna's inheritance. The children are studying in London, and the general recently died in Paris.

Astley reveals a secret to the teacher: Polina loves her player and wants to see him. But the Englishman does not believe that Alexey will go to Switzerland. "You will still be playing here in ten years," he assures. Alexey is going to go to Switzerland, but first he must win. The casino does not let its players go.