Life is given to us - Audiobook

Life is given to us - Audiobook
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

To the author of this book Lina IvanovnaKorotkevich was only nine years old at the time of the war.

And here they are - these terrible childhood memories, which were not a scary fairy tale, but were real, remaining forever in her memory, and which she transferred to paper, being already an adult. The book is written in an easy, interesting presentation, although Lina Ivanovna is an artist by profession.

By the way, Elena Borisovna knew the author personally, and she read aloud to us several moments from this book.

These moments that were read to us can be called very briefly, from the titles of their passages a lot will already be clear: “bombing”, “without mother”, “school”, “call from the front” and “the happiest day of my life”.

Through this book you can feel all the fear, all the pain and seriousness of that war...