Pari - Audiobook

Pari - Audiobook
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
"The Wager" is a short story by Anton Chekhov that discusses a dispute between a young banker and an elderly lawyer. The plot centers on a wager about whether a man imprisoned in solitary confinement can survive 15 years without freedom and still retain his sanity.
The lawyer claims that such isolation is unbearable and will lead to madness, while the banker believes that it is possible. In the end, they put significant sums on the line: the banker - two million rubles, the lawyer - 15 years of his life.
During these years, the lawyer spends his time reading, studying languages ​​and philosophy. When his term ends, he is released, but it turns out that he has changed: he rejects the world and wealth, realizing thatlife outside of prison has no meaning compared to what he went through.
The story raises themes of freedom,values ​​of life and human nature, calling into question the true priorities and desires of people.