Just a Shadow - Audiobook

Just a Shadow - Audiobook
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Pak returns home from Egypt. Her husband didn't meet her at the airport and he's not home. The apartment is full of things belonging to a girl she barely knows. And finally, her corpse is floating in the bathtub. Horror...
Then the horror gradually dissipates. The action naturally moves to where the murdered girl studied, and where Pak studies - to the university, to the library for humanities students. Many quotes from Shakespeare and a piece of a funny review of the production of "Hamlet" appear quite appropriately.
The author treats his characters with care, and doesn’t even paint the murderers solidly black.
If only the names and surnames were not so complicated, and the places were named more simply - well, it would be absolutely beautiful. But the place of action is Sweden, and nothing can be done about it.