Владимир Короткевич

  • Vershi Raznykh Gadou (poems from different years)
    VladimirKaratkevich (1930–1984) is one of the most famous Belarusian writers and poets, who left a significant mark on the literature of his country. Early years Vladimir Karatkevich was born on November 26, 1930, in the village of Gorodets, Belarus. His childhood was spent in an atmosphere of deep respect for the culture and traditions of the Belarusian people. During the Second World War, ...
  • Was Is Will Be - Audiobook (full version)
    Was. Is. Will Be: A Look at the Work and Legacy of Vasil Korotkevich VasilKaratkevich is one of the most prominent figures in Belarusian literature of the 20th century. His work, which encompasses poetry, prose and drama, left a deep mark on the hearts of readers and influenced the development of Belarusian culture. Was Korotkevich was born in 193......
  • The Gray Legend - Audiobook
    " The Gray Legend " by Vladimir Korotkevich isa novel that combines elements of historical fiction and folklore. The action takes place in Belarus and covers several historical eras, telling about the fates of ordinary people and their connection with nature. The main character is a young man named Vitya, who goes on a journey through his native places to learn more about his family and the histor...
  • The Ears of Corn Under Your Sickle - Audiobook
    HistoricalThe novel "Ears of Corn under Your Sickle" (Kalasy pad syarpom tvaim) is one of the most significant works of Belarusian literature, which is studied as part of the school curriculum. The author of the novel is VladimirKorotkevich . The novel reflects the events that took place on the eve of the 1863-1864 uprising - an uprising against the power of the Russian Empire in the territory of ...
  • Black Castle Olshansky - Audiobook
    Late 1960s. Anton Kosmich, a candidate of historical sciences, lived in Minsk, worked on his doctorate and wrote historical and documentary detective stories in his spare time. Anton Kosmich is a historian, 38 years old, 191 cm tall, light brown haired with rough features, a bachelor, enjoys swimming and fencing, smart, inquisitive, principled, loves his native Belarus. One day, an ancient tome fe...
  • King Stakh's Wild Hunt - Audiobook
    Сюжетную основу произведения составляет мистическая семейная легенда, передающая некое проклятие, нацеленное на уничтожение рода, в итоге оказавшегося обычным преступным замыслом. События повести разворачиваются на территории Белоруссии в период конца XIX столетия. Главный герой произведения, от лица которого ведется повествование, представляется автором в качестве молодого ученого-фольклориста Ан...