Bill Gate - 10 interesting facts

Bill Gate - 10 interesting facts
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Bill Gates is a well-known figure in the world of technology and business. He is one of the founders of MICROSOFT, as well as a philanthropist and social activist. Here are 10 interesting facts about Bill Gates:
1. Starting point: Bill Gates started programming as a teenager. Together with friend Paul Allen, he created his first company, Traf-O-Data, which developed software for recording road traffic.
2. Founding of Microsoft: In 1975, Gates and Allen founded Microsoft, one of the most successful companies in history. Their goal was to place a personal computer in every home and every workplace.
3. Wealth: Bill Gates was the richest man in the world for a long time. He was the first to reach $1 billion at age 31.
4. Philanthropy: In 2000, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world. They actively work to solve global problems such as fighting poverty, disease and inequality.
5. Breakthrough Energy Ventures: In 2016, Gates founded Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a fund that invests in projects aimed at combating climate change and developing clean energy.
6. Reader: Bill Gates is an avid reader. He reads about 50 books a year and regularly shares recommendations on his Gates Notes blog.
7. Passion for science: Gates has always shown an interest in scientific discoveries and technological innovations. It actively supports scientific research and innovation through its foundations.
8. Predictions about the future: Bill Gates is known for his predictions about the future of technology and society. He predicted the advent of personal computers, the Internet and mobile devices long before they became widespread.
9. Involved in Education: Bill Gates is heavily invested in education. He created several educational programs and foundations aimed at improving the quality of education in the world.
10. Personal life: Bill Gates has been married to Melinda Gates since 1994. They have three children and are jointly involved in charitable activities through their foundation.
Bill Gates is a personality who has left a huge mark in the world of technology, business and philanthropy. His passion for innovation, philanthropic work and ability to envision the future make him one of the most interesting and influential figures of our time.

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