Warren Buffett - 10 interesting facts

Warren Buffett - 10 interesting facts
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time, is known for his unusual habits and unique views on investing and life in general. Here are ten interesting facts about him:

1. Started investing at an early age

   Warren Buffett bought his first shares at the age of 11. He purchased three shares of Cities Service Preferred stock at a price of $38 each.

2. First earnings

   Buffett started making moneymoney at a young age by selling gum, newspapers and sodas. He even installed slot machines in hair salons to earn a percentage of the profits.

3. Refusal of new technologies

   Buffett is known for his caution towards new technologies. For a long time he did not invest in technology companies, considering them too unpredictable. However, in recent years he has changed his position and invested in Apple shares.

4. Modest lifestyle

   Despite his enormous wealth, Buffett lives modestly. He still lives in the house he bought in 1958 for $31,500.

5. Commitment to Philanthropy

   Buffett has pledged to donate most of his wealth to charity. He, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, founded The Giving Pledge, an initiative encouraging wealthy people to donate the majority of their wealth to charity.

6. Love for Coca-Cola

   Buffett is a big fan of Coca-Cola. He drinks several cans every day, which also affected his investments - his company Berkshire Hathaway owns a significant stake in this company.

7. Bridge games

   Buffett loves to play bridge and spends a lot of time on this game. He often plays with Bill Gates.

8. Teacher and inspirer

   Warren Buffett was a student of Benjamin Graham, author of The Intelligent Investor, which greatly influenced his investment philosophy.

9. Company with one investor

   One of Buffett's companies, Berkshire Hathaway, does not pay dividends to its shareholders. Instead, the company reinvests profits, which is consistent with Buffett's investment philosophy.

10. Savings and calculations

    Buffett is known for his frugality. For example, he prefers regular hamburgers and cheeseburgers for lunch and breakfast from McDonald's. Buffett even admits to watching stock prices to decide how much to spend on his breakfast.
These facts demonstrate Warren Buffett's unique personality and his unusual approaches to life and investing.

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